Get your Lunchmeat Underpants to go.

Client: SCARPA Campaign: Expiration Date


Turning really cool products into a really cool brand.

We all come with an expiration date. We may act like we have all the time in the world. But we don’t. So we better get out there and enjoy each and every day we’re allowed. That’s what SCARPA boots were made for. To take you as far as you want to go.

We just had to remind people of that.

To execute the idea, we interviewed photographers far and wide. Then our in-house digital design artist asked if he could work with the idea over the weekend. He had just taught himself a 3D program and wanted to try it out. This is what we saw on Monday morning. Photographer search cancelled.

You only get 26,320 days, more or less.
How will you spend them?
